If you lose your car key Can I make a first class insurance claim to get a new key?
Car keys are an essential accessory. And by the day it is becoming more and more valuable As there are many technologies built into the key set. If any day the car key is lost Would have cost thousands of baht Even if the main key and the backup key are lost at the same time May even have to dismantle the entire key set.
Lost the key itself Insurance is not responsible
In case of forgetting the key or losing it yourself 1st class insurance will not be covered in any way. Including the case of the key is damaged, such as being dropped to water, hit the floor until broken, etc., or deteriorated until it cannot be used These first class insurance are not responsible either.
In what cases is the insurance responsible for "car keys"?
1st class car insurance covers the car keys in the event of damage from an accident that cannot be used. Or lost only due to theft, such as burglary, robbery, robbery, etc.
In case of theft The car owner will have to report the daily record as evidence in order to continue claiming with the insurance company.
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