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Join date: Jun 24, 2022


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ZIB Messenger is going to be the new place for you to go to work,” said co-founder Brandon Gutierrez. “Facebook’s Oculus has a program called Horizon in beta which is essentially a bunch of avatars walking around that’s your co-workers so you’re working on your computer watching your co-workers in an office. That’s the future of remote work. We saw it coming in 2018 and now ZIB Messenger gives you those features, without expensive VR goggles or special software. It works straight in your browser, and it’s available now.”

About Rip Bull Networks: Rip Bull Networks is a software company based out of San Francisco, California. As a product organization, they seek to build original and cutting-edge products to help bring people together while being physically apart. They have worked to improve common work chat software to fit dynamic teams better across the globe. Their software can be used by businesses large and small, and they are consistently working to improve the platform for a variety of users around the world.

Contact Information: Brandon Gutierrez Rip Bull Networks (650) 437-1236


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